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Updates #1 - 17th Aug 2013

Yami: Uwah... We finally have a website...

Ten: Master's not going to be bothered updating our utau wikias with it until later isn't she...

Yami: Probably...



Yes, this is now the official homepage for the UTAU-Synth utaus DR-loids (aka Deathruby-Loids) by me. The one typing. Yes yes. I will be updating this website now on Utau news more than my dA, since I need to stop spamming that place //facepalms// Anyway! So.


Ten News (//pfftt----that name))

1. There is a current contest for Ten since he will be released sooner or later with his first bank~! ^^ But the prizes are for dA people, so why not make an account and join if you want! Link is here, info is also there!

Ten Core design contest

The contest in short is to design a Core Design Reference for Ten. Since he does not have one at the moment.


2. Also, for his release I'm making an album for him. Please if you can, comment and suggest a song for him and his banks. Please also say the specific banks you want him to sing in! You can also mix him a song! Just tell me the song, the UST link and what banks you want to mix with and I can happily send them over to you! 

More to read here


3. In other news for him, he is going well, his voicebanks are going okay. His tri-pitch needs to be re-done omg. And I plan on making a more male-sounding and clearer voice for him in the future. ((call it Swag Ten//SHOTNO)) Probably it'll be used for as a kind of all-round voice. Not sure....


Yami News


Yami is going well, I need to oto quite a few of her banks... I'm re-vamping some old banks and such, and oto'ng her tri-pitch and core. She's less developed than her brother right now. Also her newest bank 'Clear' (not it's official name though, help me name it) is probably the clearest bank I've made to date. It sounds beautiful~! I plan on opening up beta testers for it soon~! Hopefully~!! Check out the download's page for more info!



If I think of anything else I shall update more. Please keep reading~! For now the banks are going well! I shall keep you informed about anything else later~!


- DeathRuby


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